We make unique fountain pens

The Blue Birds of Happiness fountain pen

Using just a few shades of blue, Hanna Farmer has created The Blue Birds of Happiness in the most glorious plumage. Her birds are fabulous, exotic creatures against a buff background.

The pen was made by us at Stanford Pen Studio, painted and doodled by Hanna then coated in a clear resin by ourselves and given its final shape, polished, and buffed. It has a matching teal cap band ring, a silver section ring and logo medallion in the cap finial. Lana has mixed a special striking blue material for the section, which matches some of the highlights in the artwork.

Each of our hand-painted fountain pens is a 1/1 original work of art. If you have seen a pen painted by Hanna that has been sold, you are more than welcome to contact us with a request for a pen on a similar theme, or to request a custom pen in a unique theme of your own.