We make unique fountain pens

Tree of Life painted fountain pen

Yulia Glas loved painting this pen. She included The Tree of Life against a gold background, a brilliant mandala-style sun in a rainbow of colours, night and day represented by the sun and moon in a yin-yang type juxtaposition, iridescent doves, another tree and lots and lots of colour. It reminds me of her personality … bright, vibrant, full of shimmer and jewel-like colours, and it shines with an inner glow. We have added a turquoise grip section, a silver cap band, section ring and our logo medallion embedded in the cap finial.

Each of our hand-painted fountain pens is a 1/1 original work of art. No-one else will ever own an identical pen, however if you would like to request a custom pen from Yulia that has a similar theme, you are welcome to contact us via the contact form on our website.